

发布人:   发布时间:2018-01-16 16:12:18

1、 送风,包罗通气,如送鲜风和排气,这个局限很广,如工场车间,出产场地空气,因为有害气体发生需求排出室外,又需求把室外空气保送室内。这时就要运用流量大而压力小的空气保送通风管道,螺旋风管就合用,普通状况下运用镀锌铁管,有侵蚀性及特殊湿润场合运用不锈钢管。

1, air supply, including ventilation, such as fresh air and exhaust, has a wide range of limitations, such as workshop, production site air, because hazardous gas needs to be drained out and outdoor air is sent to the indoor area. At this time, we need to use large volume and small pressure air to send ventilation pipes, spiral air pipes are most suitable for use. Under normal conditions, galvanized iron pipes are used, and stainless steel pipes are used for corrosive and special wetting occasions.

2、 送凉风。经常见的是中心空调的管道,这种管道需求加保温资料。螺旋风管可内贴保温资料,表面看来美观。

2, send cool wind. The most frequently seen is the pipe in the central air conditioning, which needs thermal insulation. The spiral wind pipe can hold the heat preservation data, and the surface looks beautiful.


3、 排油烟。饭铺、酒楼、宾馆的厨房均有很多油烟发生,需求排出,运用圆形的风管就是油烟囱。在这里,螺旋风管该叫做油烟管。

3. Exhaust fumes. Hotel, restaurant and hotel kitchens have a lot of smoke, demand discharge, with circular duct is fume chimney. Here, the spiral wind pipe should be called the oil smoke tube.

4、 除尘。有些工场出产车间良多尘埃,需求专门的除尘安装,个中风流量较大的管道,可运用螺旋风管。

4. Dust removal. Some factories produce a lot of dust in the workshop, the demand for special dust removal and installation, a large pipe with a large stroke flow, the use of spiral pipe.

5、 散装物料保送。有些工场的出产进程中,需求保送松懈的颗粒,特殊是比重不大的如发泡塑料粒之类的运用螺旋风管造价低、结果好。

5. Bulk material delivery. In the production process of some workshops, there is a demand for loose particles, especially for a small proportion, such as foamed plastic particles, etc. the use of spiral air pipes is low in cost and good in result.


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