

发布人:   发布时间:2018-03-27 16:49:37

1) when the pipe is installed horizontally, its diameter or long side size is less than 400mm, the distance should not be greater than 4m; when greater than or equal to 400mm, the distance should not be less than 3m;
2) the vertical installation of the pipe should not be more than 4m, but no less than 2 of the fixed parts of each riser.
2. the joint of the rectangular duct of the mechanical smoke control system should be used as a bite, and the seams must be sealed.

必中八码3. the allowable air leakage per unit area of the air supply and exhaust pipes should be in accordance with the regulations in the code for acceptance of the quality of ventilation and air conditioning engineering construction GB50243. The air leakage of the pipe should be determined according to the working pressure, and the exhaust pipe is according to the regulation of the medium pressure system.
4. the connection between the pipe and the fan, the flange connection, or the flexible connection of the non burning material should be used.
When 5. pipes cross the wall, the gap between the pipe and the partition wall should be tightly packed with non combustion materials such as cement mortar.
6. the exhaust pipe insulation should be used for insulation burning insulation material thickness not less than 40mm (such as mineral wool, rock wool, aluminum silicate, etc.).
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