

发布人:   发布时间:2018-04-26 17:03:38

(一) 作业条件

(I) operating conditions

1、 一般排风机系统和空调系统的安装,要在建筑物围护结构施工完,障碍物已清理,地面无杂物的条件下进行。

1, the installation of general exhaust fan system and air conditioning system should be carried out under the condition of the completion of the building's enclosure structure, the clearance of obstacles and the absence of sundries on the ground.


Wuhan ventilation pipe processing

2、 对空气洁净系统的安装,应在建筑物内部安装部件的地面做好,墙面已抹灰完毕,室内无灰尘飞扬或有防尘措施的条件下进行。

2. The installation of air cleaning system should be done in the interior of the building. The wall has been plastered, without dust flying in the room or under the conditions of dust prevention measures.

3、 一般除尘系统风管安装宜在厂房的工艺设备安装完或设备基础己确定,设备连接器、罩体方位已知的情况下进行。

3. The installation of the wind pipe in the general dust removal system should be carried out in the case of the installation of the process equipment or the base of the equipment, and the known position of the equipment connector and the cover body.

4、 检查现场预留孔洞位置、尺寸应符合图纸要求,每边比实际截面大100mm。

4. The location and size of the reserved holes should be in accordance with the requirements of the drawings. Each side is larger than the actual section 100mm.


5、 作业地点要有相应的辅助设施,如梯子、架子、防护、消防器材,并有施工员的技术、质量、交底。

5, the operation site should have the corresponding auxiliary facilities, such as ladder, rack, safety protection, fire fighting equipment, and have the technical, quality and safety of the builder.

(二) 材料要求

(two) material requirements

1、 各类板材、管材等应有质量证明文件(包括出厂合格证、质量合格证明及检测报告等)和产品清单。

1, all kinds of plates, pipes and other quality documents should be included (including factory qualification certificate, quality certificate and test report) and product list.

2、 风管成品不允许有变形、扭曲、开裂、孔洞、法兰脱落、开焊、漏铆、漏打螺栓孔等缺陷。

2, the wind pipe products are not allowed to have deformation, distortion, cracking, holes, flange shedding, welding, leakage riveting, missing bolts holes and other defects.

3、 安装的阀体消声器、罩体、风口等部件应检查调节装置是否灵活,消声片、油漆层有无损伤。

3, installation of valve muffler, hood, tuyere and other components should check whether the adjustment device is flexible, whether the silencer and paint layer are damaged.


Wuhan ventilation pipe processing

4、 安装使用的材料:螺栓、螺母、垫圈、垫料、密封条、自攻螺钉、拉铆钉、电焊条、各种帆布、无纺布、射钉、膨胀螺栓等应符合产品质量要求。

4, installation and use of materials: bolts, nuts, gaskets, cushion materials, sealing strips, self tapping screws, pull rivets, electric welding strips, all kinds of canvas, non-woven fabric, nail, expansion bolt, etc. should meet the quality requirements of the product.

(三) 施工机具

(three) construction machinery


Hand hammer, hammer, handsaw, hand saw, electric double edge scissors, wheel saws, angular grinder, table drill, electric welding tool, wrench, tapes, hand scissors, inverted chain, high stool, large rope, sharp punching, nail gun, brush and so on.


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