

发布人:   发布时间:2018-10-04 16:41:40


Dust can easily accumulate in ventilation pipes due to long-term use, and the installation environment itself is very humid and easy to breed bacteria. If these pollutants are not cleaned, it is easy to cause allergies or other diseases. Of course, we can easily have some problems in cleaning, and today we'll tell you which problems are very common.

1. 清洁暖气管道必须要挑好天气吗?

1. must clean heating pipes pick up the weather?


As long as it is not bad weather, we can clean the heating pipes. If the house is occupied by people, especially the elderly and children, we recommend that you do not clean the heating pipe when it is too cold. However, some extreme weather conditions are not suitable for heating pipeline cleaning, such as persistent moderate rain or heavy rain, heavy snow, and extremely cold weather below minus 10 degrees.


. 卡车越大,就清理得越干净吗?

The bigger the truck, the cleaner it is?

答:不一定。冷暖气管道清洁专用车(Duct Trcuck)上一般装载有两套设备,一套是特大吸尘设备。另一套是特大空气压缩机。吸尘设备吸力大不等于可以清洁干净。能否把暖气管道清洁干净取决于许多因素。比如工作程序的度和步骤,有没有辅助工具伸进到管道去,开口的位置,管道隔离措施,每一个环节和管道的每一处是否都能走到位,对每一个主管道,气枪工作的起始位置和收尾位置以及一些特殊情况的处理方法等。吸力只是其中之一。

Answer: not necessarily. The Duct Trcuck is usually equipped with two sets of equipment, one of which is a large vacuum cleaner. Another is the extra large air compressor. Suction equipment is not large enough to clean up. Cleaning up the heating pipes depends on many factors. For example, the professionalism and procedure of the working procedure, whether there are auxiliary tools to reach the pipe, the opening position, the pipe isolation measures, whether every link and pipe can go to the place, the start and end position of each main pipe, the air gun work and some special cases of treatment methods. Suction is only one of them.

3. 供气管道和回气管道需要隔离分开清洁吗?

3. should the gas supply and return pipes be segregated and cleaned separately?


Yes. Isolation of clean pipes is much better than non isolation. The specific reasons are as follows:


(1) When the supply and return pipes are mixed together, the suction and air flow distribution to each outlet (or branch) will be greatly reduced. Although the number of return pipes is small, because the return pipes are very thick and cross-sectional, if the supply and return pipes are not isolated, it will greatly reduce the suction and air flow distribution to each branch of the pipeline. The effect of pipeline cleaning will be greatly reduced.

(2)供气管道和回气管道的做工质量要求有很大的区别。一般来说,供气管道普遍密封比较好,所用的材质也很好(一般是用管道专用铁皮),而回气管道就有所不同。回气管道所用材料一般是Dry Wall, 木材,空心塑料板等。回气管道一般多多少少有些漏气现象。在Duct Cleaning时,管道漏气自然会导致吸力大大下降,从而会大大影响管道清洁的质量。因此,供气管道和回气管道混在一起清理,其结果往往是不但回气管道清理不干净,而且连供气管道也清理不干净。

(2) the quality requirements of the gas supply pipeline and the return gas pipeline are quite different. Generally speaking, the gas supply pipeline is generally better sealed, the material used is also very good (usually with special iron pipes), and the return pipe is different. The materials used for return pipes are generally Dry Wall, wood, hollow plastic boards, etc. Gas return pipes usually leak more or less. In Duct Cleaning, pipe leakage naturally leads to a significant drop in suction, which will greatly affect the quality of pipe cleaning. Therefore, when the supply and return pipelines are mixed together, the result is not only that the return pipeline is not clean, but also the supply pipeline is not clean.


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