

发布人:   发布时间:2019-02-26 10:00:48


Shandong ventilation pipeline is mainly used to connect the air flow between the two places, playing a ventilating and ventilating effect. Now the spiral duct is widely used in the market. The spiral duct market is generally divided into three categories according to the material: galvanized spiral duct, stainless steel spiral duct and composite spiral duct. Among them, stainless steel air duct has good quality and applicability, but its price is high.


Now the spiral air duct widely circulated in the market is galvanized sheet. Galvanized sheet spiral duct has the same characteristics as stainless steel spiral duct, but the price is two-thirds lower than stainless steel duct or even lower. Compound spiral ducts are generally used in places where the external environment is relatively common and the requirements for ducts are not very high.


Because iron sheet reacts chemically in various environments, forming corrosion and rust, while zinc hardly changes in dry air. In wet air, the appearance of zinc produces a dense alkaline zinc carbonate film. The main purpose of spiral air duct is to coat the iron sheet with zinc, which can maintain the iron sheet. After passivation, dyeing or coating with light protector, zinc coating can significantly improve its protective and decorative ventilation ducts.


螺旋风管对我们通风和空气转化都起着一个十分重要的效果,尤其是在通风设备中,有用的把通风设备的各个部位都连接一起,让通风设备愈加顺畅的运转.的螺旋风管 在规划的时分就要本着让企业在运用时分能达到确保运用效果,并且还尽量起到省钱,省维护费,添加产品附加值的效果、螺旋风管要达到这样的效果,较少产品要做到以下 几点根本要求。螺旋风管

Spiral duct plays a very important role in our ventilation and air conversion. Especially in ventilation equipment, it is useful to connect all parts of the ventilation equipment to make the ventilation equipment run smoothly. Protecting fees, adding value-added effect of products, spiral ducts to achieve such effect, at least products to achieve the following basic requirements. Spiral duct

一:把握通风管道内流动阻力 (摩擦阻力和部分阻力)的核算办法和压力散布规律;

Firstly, the calculation method of flow resistance (frictional resistance and partial resistance) and the law of pressure distribution in ventilation ducts should be grasped.


Secondly, the method of determining specific friction and partial resistance coefficient of typical components should be mastered skillfully.


Third: grasp the principle and method of planning and accounting of uniform air supply pipeline;


Fourth: grasp the layout and selection of air ducts;


Fifth: Understand the pipeline accounting of pneumatic conveying system and the resistance characteristics of gas-solid two-phase flow.


Sixth: It can determine the operation point of the fan in the duct system.


The above information is that we arrange and distribute the ventilation pipes in order to help you. Our website is: !


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