

发布人:   发布时间:2019-03-01 15:41:08

当我们挑选装置通风管道时往往会对不同材质的管道所困扰, 现在我们就来说说 在大型修建中,为了达到好的通风效果,一般会采纳一些通风办法,处除了暖通电力设备以外,一般还会加设一些通风管道,来完成通风换气的功能,而达到这一目的,我们是经过螺旋风管来完成的,因而螺旋风管得到了很广泛的运用。

When we choose Jinan ventilation pipeline, we will often be troubled by different materials. Now let's say that in large-scale construction, in order to achieve good ventilation effect, we usually adopt some ventilation methods. In addition to HVAC power equipment, we usually add some ventilation ducts to complete the ventilation and ventilation function. To achieve this goal, we are through. The helical duct is used widely because it is completed through the helical duct.


Although spiral duct has many advantages, it is mostly exposed to the outside, and will be exposed to wind, rain and sunshine. These factors may corrode or corrode spiral duct, so it is required to have anti-corrosion function. The resulting products are galvanized spiral duct, stainless steel spiral duct and composite spiral duct. These three ducts have corrosion resistance. 。


In addition to the ventilation and ventilation mentioned above, the effect of spiral ducts can also be exhausted, perhaps used to transport some light materials such as foam plastics.



As for stainless steel welded pipes, it is another category. Let's talk about this aspect.


When assembling stainless steel welded pipe, it can be completed by welding. This method has low cost, high adjustability and adaptability, so many people are using it.


Welding technology of stainless steel welded pipe is not only present now, it appeared more than 3000 years ago, but it is becoming more sophisticated and perfect now. It is welded by heating or pressurizing, or two kinds of joints, and then assembled together.


It can complete the bonding between atoms in stainless steel and complete the bonding. Welding wire is usually used in the welding process. The requirement of age-old welding wire is to keep the same composition with stainless steel, so as to ensure the overall consistency. The flux uses less oxidizing smelting or sintering flux to avoid damaging alloy elements.


The above information is our Jinan ventilation duct arrangement and release hope to help you all on our website is: !


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