

发布人:   发布时间:2019-03-07 10:12:47


During the construction of galvanized air duct, the following points need special attention:


1. When galvanized air pipeline passes through the wall, it should be sealed with non-combustible insulation material such as rock wool.


2. When galvanized air pipeline is installed, it should be equipped with nylon wires at the inner edge, so as to drive the street lamp for tightness testing. Before tightness testing, 150W safety street lamp and at least 50m wire should be prepared.


3. When numbering, the system name level, serial number, section standard and length of each section should be indicated.

4、支吊架装置时胀大栓孔深度为胀大螺栓导管长度加1~1.5CM .

4. The depth of expansion bolt hole in support and suspension device is 1~1.5CM for the length of expansion bolt conduit.


5. When bracket and galvanized air duct are installed, wire drawing device should be used to adjust straightness and flatness at the end of the installation. The hanger of galvanized air pipeline should be vertical, and the hanger of the same standard galvanized air pipeline should be in a straight line in the length direction.



6. Flame-retardant sealant should be re-used to seal the flange joint after straightening the pipeline device.

7、吊杆与托架联接时固定螺母托架上部一个、下部两个,并加防振橡胶垫厚10MM ,以防镀锌管道振动时螺母松动。

7. When the suspender is connected with the bracket, the upper part and the lower part of the fixed nut bracket are two, and the thickness of the anti-vibration rubber pad is 10MM, so as to prevent the nut from loosening when the galvanized pipeline vibrates.


8. When the height difference of a long pipeline varies, the water receiving pan and water seal should be set in the lower part according to the objective reality.


9. The support and hanger should be installed alone at the air valve with diameter or long side greater than 630MM. The direction of the air valve should be correct, and the distance between the fire valve and the wall should not be greater than 200MM.


10. When galvanized air pipeline passes through fire curtains and firewalls, protective ducts shall be installed. The thickness of ducts shall not be less than 1.6MM. The ducts and galvanized air pipelines shall be sealed with non-combustible insulation materials (such as rock wool).


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