

发布人:   发布时间:2019-07-02 17:39:21


  For Shandong galvanized iron sheet air duct piping drawing criteria and requirements? Below by the professional personnel of the ventilation pipe to introduce:

  1) 配管图必须标示支吊架位置,支吊架位置间距及所有材料规格必须符后规范要求及工艺规定。

  1) Piping drawing must indicate the position of support and hanger, and the distance between supports and hanger positions and all material specifications must conform to the requirements of the later specifications and technological requirements.

  2) 配管图应标示起端与弯头位置、变径位置、管线所处轴线位置、管底标高。

  2) Pipeline drawing shall indicate the position of the beginning and elbow, the position of the diameter change, the position of the axis of the pipeline and the elevation of the bottom of the pipe.

  3) 配管图应进行编号,从起点开始编号,起点一般为接口位置,相同断面规格、相同长度节为同一号码,除此应按顺序编号。以便于组织制作施工。


  3) Piping drawings should be numbered, starting from the starting point, the starting point is generally the interface location, the same section size, the same length section is the same number, in addition, they should be numbered in sequence. In order to facilitate the organization of production and construction.

  4) 制作配管图时应优先考虑弯头与变径满足内外表面同心弯管要求、变径长度要求。

  4) The elbow and diameter change should be given priority to satisfy the requirements of concentric elbow on inner and outer surface and length of diameter change when making piping drawing.


  Guidelines and Requirements for Drawing Piping Drawings of Galvanized Iron Air Pipes in Shandong Province-Shandong Ventilation Pipeline:

  5) 配管图应按某系统党楼层镀锌铁皮风管制作进行绘制,并注明接口位置。

  5) Piping diagram should be drawn according to galvanized iron sheet air duct of a party building in a certain system, and the location of the interface should be indicated.

  6) 镀锌铁皮风管制作制作时以配管图为依据下达作业票,要求法兰与镀锌铁皮风管制作规格数量相配,以求得标准化互换性。

  6) When making galvanized iron sheet air duct, the operation ticket is issued on the basis of piping chart, and the flange and galvanized iron sheet air duct are required to match the specifications and quantities in order to achieve standardized interchangeability.

  7) 配管图应保存以便存档管理,未经项目经理同意不得私自更改配管图。

  7) Pipeline diagrams should be kept for archiving and management. Pipeline diagrams should not be altered without the consent of the project manager.


  In addition to iron ducts, we also have ventilation equipment and so on, if you want to know, you can consult us! Welcome to Shandong Ventilation Pipeline website:


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