

发布人:   发布时间:2020-03-20 15:54:51


  Nowadays, more and more people choose the ventilation pipeline project, because it has the advantages of high cost performance, and is favored and loved by the majority of consumers. How much do you know about it? Do you know the purpose of this pipeline? Don't you know? Let's follow the Jinan ventilation pipeline processing factory to understand, hoping to help you.


  At present, the aggravation of air pollution and the increase of particulate pollution in the atmosphere almost threaten our health and play a certain role. However, with the development of industrialization, more and more people work indoors from heavy physical labor, and work in the room for a long time, which makes us have higher requirements for our living environment, especially air quality, good ventilation system, To ensure that people can breathe fresh air in a closed indoor environment, the specific application is as follows:

  1. 空调系统

  1. Air conditioning system


  Galvanized sheet, stainless steel; (FRP and composite materials that may be polluted by dust sources are strictly prohibited); thermal insulation materials can be attached to ventilation pipeline works, with beautiful appearance.

  2. 散装物料运输

  2. Bulk material transportation


  Pneumatic conveying system, some material particles are relatively loose, can be transported through the pipeline, the project cost is low, the effect is good.


  3. Dedusting system


  The collection and transportation of the dust remover can adopt the ventilation pipeline engineering.

  4. 排烟系统

  4. Smoke exhaust system


  There are a lot of lampblack produced in the kitchens of hotels, restaurants and hotels, which need education. It is suitable to use this pipeline project with good intensity, economy and practicality.

  5. 济南通风管道工程

  5. Jinan ventilation pipeline project


  Discharge the fresh air, exhaust gas and harmful gas out of the room, and send the outdoor fresh air to the room. Generally speaking, the flow rate of ventilation system is relatively large, so low resistance air pipe is needed to save cost and operation cost - pipe engineering is applicable. Generally, galvanized iron pipes are used, and stainless steel pipes are used in corrosive and particularly humid places.



  In fact, the ventilation system engineering in the building is to increase the layout of some pipes in the actual construction, so that the air flow in the building is faster and closer to the requirements of natural wind, so that the whole building has the function of natural ventilation and ventilation.

  6. 工业通风系统风道

  6. Air duct of industrial ventilation system


  Steel plate, galvanized sheet; (Libo ventilation pipe. Plastic, glass fiber reinforced plastics, composite materials, etc.) can be used. Note: glass fiber air duct can be divided into two types: organic and inorganic. According to the design specification, organic materials with fire protection requirements are prohibited.

  7. 空调系统风道

  7. Air duct of central air conditioning system


  Galvanized sheet, color steel insulation board; (fiberglass reinforced plastic, composite materials can be used); air duct for environmental control system: galvanized sheet, stainless steel; (plastic, fiberglass reinforced plastic, composite materials can be used).


  With the rapid development of the construction industry, more and more high-rise buildings and the internal structure of buildings become more and more complex, and the area is also more and more large. In this case, the ventilation system of the internal environment wind of many buildings increases the fresh air and protects the health of the working people.


  The above is a detailed introduction to the application scope of ventilation pipes in Shandong Province. For more information, please click


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