

发布人:   发布时间:2020-04-17 14:26:00


  The installation of ventilation pipe can make the air more circulating, and with the increase of use time, the ventilation pipe will also have the phenomenon of dust accumulation. In the long run, it will also harm the health of human body, and it will also be closed during the installation to reduce the accumulation of dust. Do you know the harm of dust accumulation in ventilation pipes?

  1. 气体置换的实际效果较差

  1. The actual effect of gas replacement is poor


  In the natural environment of home air conditioning application, most of the indoor space is closed and semi closed, and the indoor air quality is recycled. The cleanliness of the gas is maintained by the air conditioner itself and a small amount of fresh air system for normal transportation. Therefore, the indoor air quality is cloudy.


  2. 增加空气阻力,消耗电力和能源

  2. Increase air resistance and consume power and energy


  When the gas flows in the air duct, it also needs to get rid of the sliding friction of the air duct. If there is dust and scale on the air duct, the internal sliding friction will be increased immediately, and then a lot of kinetic energy will be spent to get rid of the friction resistance.


  3. Spread of bacteria and diseases


  Due to the relatively closed indoor space generated by the air duct according to the air outlet, air supply outlet and room, the dust and pathogens in the air duct will gradually enter the indoor air quality pollutants as the air conditioner gently blows to all corners of the house; in addition, the pathogens in one room are also easy to cause infection along with the air of the air conditioning circulating system gently blowing to other rooms. For example, during the fight against SARS, China's Ministry of Health ordered the use of all domestic air conditioners in rooms without fresh air systems to avoid the spread of the disease.


  The above is a detailed introduction to the hazards of dust accumulation in ventilation pipes in Shandong Province. For more information, please click


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