

发布人:   发布时间:2020-04-29 16:07:35


1, water curtain wall or high-pressure spray plus negative pressure fan mode.


The principle of water curtain wall cooling is well known. The air passes through the wet curtain, the temperature can be reduced, and the humidity will increase. Therefore, enterprises with strict requirements on temperature and humidity cannot use it, such as expanded food processing, precision electronics and other places requiring constant temperature and humidity.

但 实践证明对绝大多数企业如服装、鞋业、纺织、机械、食堂等等一般可适用。企业可以参考以下标准决定是否能适用此原理空调;即在春季雨季湿度较大时,车间生 产是否受影响,如果没有影响,则采用此水蒸发降温原理的措施基本是的。如果车间工艺对湿度有要求但要求不高,或者整个车间内只是个别岗位有湿度要求, 那么可以采用湿度控制装置加以控制,但此时温降幅度可能有一些影响。

But it has been proved that it is suitable for most enterprises, such as clothing, footwear, textile, machinery, canteen and so on. The enterprise can refer to the following standards to determine whether the air conditioner can be applied to the principle; that is, whether the workshop production is affected when the humidity is high in the rainy season in spring; if not, the measures based on the principle of water evaporation and cooling are basically safe. If the workshop process has requirements on humidity but not high, or only individual posts in the whole workshop have humidity requirements, then humidity control device can be used to control, but the temperature drop may have some impact at this time.


Due to the low initial investment and low power consumption, some enterprises began to adopt this measure, but its shortcomings are becoming increasingly obvious. It is briefly listed as follows:


(1) Because the water curtain wall takes up most of the window area, the general lighting will be seriously affected, which increases the cost of indoor lighting and the fatigue of employees working under the unnatural light.



(2) Large area paper yellow water curtain wall installed on the wall is generally difficult to coordinate with the external wall, resulting in aesthetic damage, especially after one or two years of use, the dirty surface is difficult to clean, resulting in indecent and very unsanitary, so it is generally difficult for new factories or enterprises focusing on appearance and image to accept.


(3) Wind, sun and rain as well as the height of the water curtain will affect the service life of the wet water curtain, which will increase the cost in the future. At the same time, it will generally cause the indoor side ground or windowsill to be wet by floating water.


(4) This kind of negative pressure ventilation requires all doors and windows to be closed, otherwise a large amount of air will enter directly from the doors and windows without wind resistance, which will affect the overall temperature reduction. In practice, it is found that many workshops are greatly reduced due to frequent in and out of goods and personnel or their own airtight.


A small number of enterprises do not use water curtain wall and adopt high-pressure spray. Although this method reduces the cost, it also avoids the shortcomings of the water curtain wall, but it is difficult to control automatically, which may cause the outside humidity to become larger. The air saturation causes the water mist to be absorbed by the air and dampened the equipment and products in the vehicle compartment. Besides, the high-pressure spray is easy to cause blockage, so the subsequent maintenance cost is higher.


2. Square environmental protection air conditioner installed on outer wall or roof


Square environmental protection air conditioner also adopts the principle of water evaporation cooling, but different from the water curtain wall, its fan and water curtain are in the same equipment, which belongs to positive pressure air supply, and the doors and windows are required to be opened during operation.


This can also solve the problem of ventilation and temperature reduction of large workshops, but because of the large span of large workshops, the installation on the wall can not meet the requirements of the middle area, and the installation on the roof must also be connected with air ducts. The disadvantages of its comprehensive application in large factory buildings are listed as follows:

(1)性,安装于外墙的空调一般需制作1.6米 宽的三角支架固定于墙面,这种安装方式因力矩大难以保证长期,特别是经常性的人员爬支架上保养维护,不方便且有隐患,一般的人员或安装工很难根据 各种墙体受力程度,钢结构彩钢板的受力程度设计出完全可靠的支架,从而难以确保人员设备,这种隐患随着风吹日晒雨淋支架的老化,随着使用年限而加剧, 全国已发生多起整机坠落事故这完全该引起重视。

(1) Safety, the environmental protection air conditioner installed on the outer wall generally needs to make a 1.6m wide triangular bracket to fix on the wall. This installation method is difficult to ensure long-term safety due to the large torque, especially the regular personnel climbing the bracket for maintenance, which is inconvenient and has potential safety hazards, so it is difficult for the general personnel or installers to follow the All kinds of wall stress levels and steel structure color steel plate stress levels are designed with completely reliable supports, so it is difficult to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment. With the aging of wind, sun and rain drenched supports and the aggravation of service life, there have been many machine falling accidents in China, which should be paid attention to.


(2) The air supply distance of the environmental protection air conditioner installed on the wall with side air supply is limited, generally up to 15 meters. Of course, increasing the residual pressure at the outlet of the fan can increase the air supply distance, but the noise and power consumption increase at the same time, and the strong wind at the short distance may affect the personnel and process; the air duct will greatly increase the cost and affect the aesthetics and the use of workshop machinery. The environmental protection air conditioner installed on the roof should first solve the problems of roof load-bearing and leakage prevention, and then it needs to connect the air duct to increase the cost.


(3) According to the calculation, the power consumption and initial installation cost of the external hanging or roof environmental protection air conditioner used in the large workshop may be twice of that of the water curtain wall plus negative pressure fan.


Of course, only for individual posts in the workshop, external or roof environmental protection air conditioning is a better choice.


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