

发布人:   发布时间:2020-06-05 15:29:11

  通风管道在安装的过程中有什么要求标准 ?

  What are the requirements and standards for the installation of ventilation pipes?


  We should not be unfamiliar with the ventilation pipe, which can ensure the air fluency and reduce the harmful concentration. The iron ventilation pipe equipment is mainly consumed by the air pipe consumer equipment manufacturers. Generally speaking, it is used for the ventilation of electronic factory buildings, hotels and hotels, as well as the food aseptic workshop and other central air conditioning systems that need to stop air renewal.



  There are a lot of requests for the installation of ventilation system. Let's talk about it briefly.


  First of all, stop designing the position, height and direction of the air duct at the time of the device, and request on the diameter of the air duct to ensure the speed of air renewal.


  As for the connection part of air duct, close connection shall be stopped. The thickness of gasket used in the middle shall not be less than 3mm. The gasket shall not protrude into the pipe or out of the flange. For metallic ducts, strict installation requirements should be followed when turning. As for the plastic hose in the curve, pay attention not to have dead bend or collapse.


  Before the air duct installation, the sundries inside and outside shall be removed, and the cleaning and maintenance work shall be done well. At the same time, the position of the local screw connecting the air duct shall be convenient for future maintenance.


  The above is a brief introduction to the installation requirements of ventilation pipes. For more information, please consult Jinan ventilation pipes Official website.


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