

发布人:   发布时间:2020-06-15 19:13:16


  Do you know the installation specifications and standards of each part of the ventilation duct? Today, I will introduce the installation specifications and standards of each part of the ventilation duct in detail.


  1、 Code and standard for air duct installation


  1. It is forbidden to cross other pipelines in the air duct;


  2. The air duct system for conveying inflammable and explosive gas or installed in inflammable and explosive environment shall be well grounded. It must be tight when passing through the living area or other auxiliary production rooms, and no interface shall be set


  3. Protective measures shall be taken for air pipes with air temperature higher than 80 ℃ according to design regulations.


  4. The fixed cable of outdoor riser shall not be pulled on the lightning rod or lightning protection net



  2、 The installation of air duct components must meet the following requirements:


  1. The installation of various air duct components and operating mechanisms shall ensure their normal use function and be easy to operate;


  2. For the installation of inclined plug plate air valve, the valve plate must be pulled upward; for horizontal installation, the valve plate shall also be inserted along the air flow direction;


  3. The installation direction of check air valve and automatic exhaust valve shall be correct.


  4. The installation direction and position of fire damper and smoke exhaust valve (port) shall be correct. The distance between the fire damper on both sides of the partition wall of the fire compartment and the wall surface shall not be more than 200mm.


  5. For the installation of manual airtight valve, the arrow direction marked on the valve must be consistent with the direction of shock wave.


  6. After the installation of the air duct system, the tightness inspection shall be carried out according to the system category. The air leakage shall meet the design and the air duct must pass the technical inspection or verification, and the strength and tightness requirements shall meet the design or the following requirements:

  ① 风管的强度应能满足在1.5倍工作压力下接缝处无开裂;

  ① The strength of air duct shall be able to meet the requirement that there is no crack at the joint under 1.5 times of working pressure;

  ② 矩形风管的允许漏风量应符合以下规定:

  ② The allowable air leakage of rectangular air duct shall meet the following requirements:

  低压系统风管 QL≤0.1056P0.65

  Low pressure system air duct QL ≤ 0.1056p0.65

  中压系统风管 QM≤0.0352P0.65

  Medium pressure system air duct QM ≤ 0.0352p0.65

  高压系统风管 QH≤0.0117 P0.65

  High pressure system air duct QH ≤ 0.0117 p0.65

  式中 QL、QM、QH——系统风管在相应工作压力下,单位面积风管单位时间内的允许漏风量[m3/(h·m2)];

  Where QL, QM, QH -- allowable air leakage of system air duct in unit time per unit area of air duct under corresponding working pressure [m3 / (H · m2)];


  P -- working pressure of air duct system (PA).

  ③ 低压、中压圆形金属风管、复合材料风管以及采用非法兰形式的非金属风管的允许漏风量,应为矩形风管规定值的50%;

  ③ The allowable air leakage of low and medium pressure circular metal air ducts, composite air ducts and non-metal air ducts in non flange form shall be 50% of the specified value of rectangular air ducts;

  ④ 砖、混凝土风道的允许漏风量不应大于矩形低压系统风管规定值的1.5倍;

  ④ The allowable air leakage of brick and concrete air duct shall not be greater than 1.5 times of the specified value of rectangular low-pressure system air duct;

  ⑤ 排烟、除尘、低温送风系统按中压系统风管的规定,1~5级净化空调系统按高压系统风管的规定。

  ⑤ The smoke exhaust, dust removal and low temperature air supply system shall be in accordance with the provisions of the medium pressure system air duct, and the level 1-5 purification air conditioning system shall be in accordance with the provisions of the high pressure system air duct.


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