

发布人:   发布时间:2017-05-25 16:33:52


Because the smoke density is lower than the normal temperature air density, the smoke exhaust port is arranged above the garage. There are four reasons


1, the car most of the harmful substances, including carbon monoxide, 98%-99%, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides 55%-65% 98%-99% is emitted from the exhaust, and the exhaust temperature up to 500-550 degrees Celsius, the high temperature exhaust airflow has great buoyancy, it is difficult to imagine in the garage with lower exhaust.

2、还有部分污染物从曲轴箱排除,有10%-20%d 碳氢化合物从燃油系统排出,这两部分排放物虽然温度不像尾气那么高,且氮氧化物也比空气密度大些,但这些有害是在发动机工作时才排放的,而发动机工作时,汽车处于行驶状态,车库的气流就随着车子进进出出处于强烈扰动与混合状态,尾气也处于汽车后部的涡流之中,所以排放物并不会沉积于车库下方,而那些停稳放好的汽车,其发动机已经关闭,没有什么有害物排出了。


2, there are some pollutant removal from the crankcase, 10%-20%d hydrocarbons discharged from the fuel system, the two part temperature exhaust emissions although not so high, and nitrogen oxides than air density is bigger, but these are only harmful emissions during operation of the engine, and the engine when the car is in the running state. The air of the car into the garage and originated in the strong disturbance and mixed state, also in the vortex on the back of a car exhaust emissions, so not deposited in the garage below, while those who stop on a good car, the engine has been closed, not what the discharge of harmful substance.

3、有数据证明,用通风换气的办法将汽车排出的CO稀释到容许浓度时 有害物远远低于他们相应的允许浓度。

3. Data show that when ventilation is used to dilute the CO emitted to the permissible concentration, the harmful substances are much lower than their corresponding allowable concentrations.


4, high-rise building underground garage, parking cars, only is the largest van design of the garage is only about 2.2-2.8M, the ventilation pipe opening is arranged on the upper garage, the system can meet the requirements of fire smoke, can meet the daily requirements of air exhaust.


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