

发布人:   发布时间:2022-03-07 17:34:23


1. The ventilation area of the main exhaust pipe is not enough.


According to engineering experience, the wind speed of the main pipeline shall not exceed 15m / s, otherwise it is easy to make the smoke exhaust system unobstructed after running for a period of time. In the operation practice of oil fume purifier, most cases are caused by insufficient ventilation area of exhaust pipe, and the gas flow in the pipe is more than 15m / s.


2. The cross-sectional area of the pipeline becomes smaller


Due to the need to pass through the building beam, the ventilation cross-section area of the pipeline becomes smaller and the resistance on the cross-section is large, resulting in unsmooth air flow.



3. Aggregate accumulation after using drainage pipe


When the smoke exhaust pipe passes through the building beam or avoids other equipment pipes, a part of the smoke exhaust pipe will be lower than the overall level of the smoke exhaust pipe. After using for a period of time, the smoke exhaust will be directly affected because the oil-water mixture will accumulate in the lower part of the exhaust pipe.


4. Low smoke exhaust is uneven


The kitchen smoke of different floors is discharged through the same main pipe. The kitchen near the kitchen outlet has good smoke exhaust effect, but the smoke exhaust of the downstairs kitchen is not smooth.


5. It is recommended to install smoke exhaust fan


For kitchens with large smoke exhaust, it is also recommended to install smoke exhaust fans. There are three types of smoke exhaust fans: axial fan, air chassis and centrifugal fan.


Generally speaking, the current kitchen planning shall be designed in advance during the installation of the ventilation duct, so as to reduce the abnormal smoke exhaust of the ventilation duct


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