

发布人:   发布时间:2022-08-12 18:01:35


Fiberglass reinforced plastic ventilation duct refers to the plexiglass reinforced plastic air duct and the plexiglass reinforced plastic fan shell. They have the characteristics of acid and alkali resistance and long service life. They are mainly used in places where corrosive waste gas needs to be discharged, such as textile, chemical, printing, metallurgy and underground facilities.


? The plexiglass reinforced plastic air duct and the plexiglass reinforced plastic fan shell have the characteristics of acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance and long service life. They are mainly used in places where corrosive waste gas needs to be discharged, such as textile, chemical, printing, metallurgy and underground facilities.

1、耐腐蚀性 FRP管道能够抵抗酸、碱、盐、海水、未经处理的污水、腐蚀性土壤或地下水及众多化学流体的腐蚀。

  1. Corrosion resistant FRP pipes can resist the corrosion of acid, alkali, salt, seawater, untreated sewage, corrosive soil or groundwater and many chemical fluids.


2、耐热抗冻性好 FRP管的温度使用范围一般在-40℃~80℃之间,若先用特殊树脂其使用温度可达到更高。

2. The temperature range of FRP pipes with good heat and frost resistance is generally between - 40 ℃ and 80 ℃. If special resin is used first, the service temperature can be higher.

3、轻质高强,运输安装方便 FRP管道的比重为1.7-1.9,与同压力、同管径的其他材质管道比较,FRP管道单位长度、重量约等于钢管的30%,因此运输安装十分方便,FRP管道每根长度可达12m,安装快速简便。另外可免除安装钢管所需的焊接和防锈、防腐处理等工序。

3. Light weight, high strength, convenient transportation and installation. The proportion of FRP pipes is 1.7-1.9. Compared with other pipes of the same pressure and pipe diameter, the unit length and weight of FRP pipes are about 30% of the steel pipes. Therefore, the transportation and installation are very convenient. The length of each FRP pipe can reach 12M, and the installation is fast and easy. In addition, welding, rust prevention and anti-corrosion treatment required for installation of steel pipes can be eliminated.

4、摩擦阻力小,输送能力高 FRP管道内表面非常光滑,糙率系数小,水利系数C可长期保持在145-150范围内,经测试得到其水流摩阻损失系数f为0.000915,能显着减少沿程的流体压力损失,提高输送能力20%以上。

4. The friction resistance is small and the conveying capacity is high. The inner surface of FRP pipe is very smooth and the roughness coefficient is small. The hydraulic coefficient C can be kept within the range of 145-150 for a long time. According to the test, the flow friction loss coefficient f is 0.000915, which can significantly reduce the fluid pressure loss along the pipeline and improve the conveying capacity by more than 20%.

5、电、热绝缘性好 FRP是非导体,管道的绝缘性好,适应使用于输电、电信线路密集区和多雷区,FRP管的传热系数很小(0.25kcal/m·h·℃),因此管道的保温性好,热损失少。

5. Good electrical and thermal insulation FRP is a non-conductor, and the insulation of the pipeline is good. It is suitable for use in dense areas of power transmission and telecommunication lines and thunder areas. The heat transfer coefficient of FRP pipe is very small (0.25kcal / m · h ·℃). Therefore, the insulation of the pipeline is good and the heat loss is small.

6、不生锈 由于玻璃钢管是由非金属材料树脂及玻璃纤维复合而成,所以,它们不论在使用过程还是在闲置过程中,均不会生锈,因而也就无需进行防锈、除锈处理。 7、可设计性强 根据具体使用情况,可对缠绕玻璃钢管的具体性能及形状进行设计:

6. Non rusting because the glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe is composed of non-metallic material resin and glass fiber, they will not rust in the use process or in the idle process, so there is no need for rust prevention and rust removal. 7. Strong designability: according to the specific use situation, the specific performance and shape of the winding FRP pipe can be designed:


① The winding angle during winding can be designed so that the pipe has different longitudinal / circumferential strength distribution;


② The pipe wall thickness can be designed so that the pipe can withstand different internal and external pressures;


③ The materials can be designed to achieve different corrosion resistance, flame retardant and dielectric purposes;


④ It can be designed for different installation conditions to improve the installation speed of the project.

8、连接方式多样灵活 缠绕玻璃钢管道接头方式有多种,主要包括:平端对接、(活套)法兰连接、承插胶接、(带锁紧装置)O形圈连接、螺纹连接等,可根据具体施工条件,灵活选择接头方式,从而提高了工程的可靠性。

8. There are various connection methods for flexible winding FRP pipe joints, mainly including: flat end butt joint, (looped) flange connection, socket glue connection, (with locking device) O-ring connection, threaded connection, etc. the joint method can be flexibly selected according to the specific construction conditions, thus improving the reliability of the project.

9、可修复性强、维护方便 缠绕玻璃钢管罐不生锈、不结垢、耐腐蚀性能好,一般情况下无需维护;即使需要维护,由于其重量轻,可维修性强,所以,维修起来也是十分方便的。

9. Strong repairability and easy maintenance. The wound FRP tank is free of rust, scale and corrosion resistance. Generally, no maintenance is required; Even if maintenance is required, it is very convenient to repair because of its light weight and strong maintainability.


The above is the detailed introduction of Jinan air duct processing factory. I hope it will help you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with services with a professional attitude


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