

发布人:   发布时间:2022-11-11 19:47:00


The ventilation duct shall be protected from damage during transportation. For the connection of tenon air duct, adhesive shall be applied at the tenon to enhance the strength of the joint. When the air duct is installed overhead after ground pre assembly, the length of pre assembly is limited to prevent the bending of the air duct due to its own weight from damaging the component interface. When the end of the fiberglass composite board air duct is the cutting surface, the cut surface of the duct end shall be sealed with tape or glue before assembling the flange connector to prevent the fiberglass from being exposed and flying away.


The width of the working passage shall meet the construction safety requirements, and the passage shall be covered with scaffolding. During the operation, special personnel shall be assigned to check the working channel and scaffold at any time. If deformation and displacement are found, safety measures shall be taken in time and safety shall be confirmed.



Ventilation duct


The real length of a straight line or the real shape of a plane, the determination of the expansion method and the drawing of the expansion diagram. Before launching blanking, first get familiar with the construction drawings, which is a preparatory work, mainly to understand the key and components to be launched, the size and fabrication materials of Jinan ventilation pipeline on the drawings. For more complex pipe fittings, the construction drawings need to be read and analyzed repeatedly, and relevant problems should be put forward and solved in time. As the ventilation pipe fittings and their components are geometric figures on the drawings, the main purpose of shape analysis is to simplify the complex geometric figures. Through analysis, in order to find the appropriate expansion method.

当测量断面设在弯头、三通等异形部件后面时,距这些部件的距离应大于4~5倍管道直径。济南通风管道测试现场难于满足要求时,为减少误差可适当增加测点。但是,测量断面位置距异形部件的Z小距离少是管道直径的1.5倍。通风管道风管主要应用在工业及建筑工程中, 应用领域有:适用于工业、各种建筑的空调通风工程安装,广泛应用在食品加工、机械制造、药业制品、电子工业、购物、棉纺织、体育娱乐场所、酒店、宾馆、、写字楼、、小型别墅、航空航天制造等领域.

When the measuring section is set behind the elbow, tee and other special-shaped parts, the distance from these parts shall be more than 4-5 times the pipe diameter. When it is difficult to meet the requirements of Jinan ventilation pipeline testing site, the measuring points can be appropriately increased to reduce the error. However, the Z small distance between the measuring section location and the profiled part is at least 1.5 times of the pipe diameter. The air duct of ventilation duct is mainly used in industrial and architectural projects. The application fields are: applicable to the installation of air conditioning and ventilation projects in industrial and various buildings, widely used in food processing, machinery manufacturing, pharmaceutical products, electronic industry, shopping centers, cotton textiles, sports and entertainment venues, hotels, hotels, supermarkets, office buildings, government agencies, small villas, aerospace manufacturing and other fields


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