

发布人:   发布时间:2017-08-01 14:58:16


1, monitoring device in the underground continuous operation for 6-12 months, to be transported to the ground for comprehensive overhaul.


2 、 monitoring sensors should be adjusted at least once every 7 days with standard gas samples.



3, the device failure should be handled in a timely manner, the underground must be strictly implemented when dealing with the relevant provisions of the law, when the mine can not be processed, should be replaced within 24 hours, there should be safety measures during the treatment of failures.


4 、 the partial ventilator installed under the mine is responsible for the management and maintenance of the mechanical and electrical section, and some measures must be taken to remove or shift it for some reason.


5, sensors, monitoring stations and signal lines must be regularly maintained by special personnel to ensure normal operation, and eliminate all kinds of accidents and hidden dangers.


6, the monitoring device is damaged by damaged or non monitoring personnel to remove, to pay for it. The transmission signal line is lost or truncated, and the area (team) must be tracked for duty and fined.

更多的关于济南通风管道的问题或者详细的内容,请进入我们公司的网站: /网站中会有很多的内容仅供参考。

More questions about Ji'nan ventilation pipes or more details, please go to our company's website: there will be a lot of information on the / website for your reference only.


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