

发布人:   发布时间:2023-02-17 10:26:33


1. Meaning


Indicators are the basis for checking and evaluating the implementation and economic effects of various work and economic activities. Indicators can be divided into single technical indicators and comprehensive indicators, as well as quantitative indicators and quality indicators. The main functions of indicators are as follows.


(1) It plays the role of supervision, regulation and guidance in the management process. Through the assessment and analysis of indicators, it finds deviations, takes timely measures to adjust and control, and develops new assessment indicators;


(2) Quantitative evaluation of management performance through indicator assessment;


(3) The indicators reflect the level of actual work in the form of data, and the performance of evaluation and assessment is linked to the interests of enterprises and individuals, playing a role of motivation and promotion.



The technical and economic indicator system of equipment management is a set of indicators that are interconnected and mutually constrained and can comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of equipment management. The technical and economic indicators of equipment management are an important part of the objectives of equipment management. Equipment management involves capital, materials, labor organization, technology, economy, production and operation objectives and other aspects. To test and measure the management level of each link and the operation effect of equipment assets, it is necessary to establish and improve the technical and economic index system of equipment management. In addition, the technical and economic indicators of equipment management are conducive to strengthening the guidance and supervision of the state on equipment management, and provide decision-making basis for the macro management of equipment.


2. Principles of equipment technical indicators


(1) In terms of content, there are both comprehensive indicators and single indicators; There are both key indicators and general indicators.


(2) In form, there are both physical indicators and value indicators; There are both relative and absolute indicators.


(3) At the level, there are not only government macro-control indicators, but also enterprise micro-level, workshop and individual implementation indicators.


(4) In terms of structure, the indicators of all links in the whole process of the equipment should be set from the system point of view, both complete and simple.


(5) In terms of assessment, it should be graded according to the production nature and equipment characteristics of the enterprise.


Indicators should be standardized step by step, and strive to unify the name, terminology, calculation formula and symbolic meaning, so as to be concise, practical and operable. The determination of indicators should be based on careful analysis. And has a certain degree of aggressiveness.


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