

发布人:   发布时间:2023-09-03 14:19:08


Based on the actual situation, conduct inspection and review, and then arrange according to the number. Once the dimensions and angles of each part of the air duct system are confirmed to be correct, the air duct assembly work begins. The connection between each section of the air duct adopts flange connection, and the interface must be tight and air tight. The length of the air duct to be lifted at a time should be determined based on the conditions of the building, the wall thickness of the air duct, the lifting method, and the allocation of lifting equipment. The assembled air duct can use the flanges at both ends as reference points, and the middle flange as the measuring point. Pull a line to measure whether the connection of the air duct is straight, and adjust it when there is a large deviation



In the manufacturing equipment project of thin steel plate ventilation ducts, it includes the manufacturing labor for pipe fittings such as elbows, tees, and variable diameter pipes, as well as flange reinforcement frames and suspension brackets. However, it does not include the cross span air duct floor bracket, which fulfills the equipment support project. The flue is too narrow, and the exhaust air volume of a large displacement fan is generally around 13 cubic meters per minute. A narrow flue can cause obstruction of the exhaust air, rotation of the airflow, and noise generated by increased air pressure. Additionally, it is necessary to check whether the exhaust pipe penetrates too deeply into the flue, lay soundproof bricks on the wall or ceiling, apply soundproof paint, and install soundproof doors.


Explain which materials are used to distinguish ventilation ducts based on their purpose:

净化空调系统用风管:镀锌板不绣钢; (使用中可能出现尘源污染的玻璃钢 复合材料禁用

Air ducts for purification air conditioning systems: galvanized sheet stainless steel; (Glass fiber reinforced plastic composite materials that may be contaminated by dust sources during use are prohibited)

空调系统用风管:镀锌板彩钢保温板; (可使用玻璃钢复合材料

Air duct for central air conditioning system: galvanized sheet color steel insulation board; (Glass fiber reinforced plastic composite material can be used)

济南通风管道的环境控制系统用风管:镀锌板不锈钢; (可使用塑料玻璃钢复合材料

Air ducts for the environmental control system of Jinan ventilation ducts: galvanized sheet stainless steel; Plastic fiberglass composite material can be used

工业通风系统用风管: 钢板 镀锌板; (可使用塑料玻璃钢复合材料

Air ducts for industrial ventilation systems: steel plate galvanized sheet; Plastic fiberglass composite material can be used

特殊使用场合用风管:矿用涂胶布风筒矿用塑料通风管; (要求阻燃抗静电矿用特性

Air ducts for special occasions: mining coated cloth air ducts, mining plastic air ducts; (Requirements for flame-retardant and anti-static mining safety characteristics)


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