

发布人:   发布时间:2023-09-20 20:24:12


The spiral air duct factory specializes in planning and manufacturing equipment for large, small, and medium-sized ventilation projects, high-rise expansion joints, air vents, air conditioning pipelines, dust removal pipelines, sound attenuation boxes, oil fume purification, and environmental protection projects; Ventilation plan, central air conditioning ventilation engineering, workshop ventilation system plan, dust removal system, kitchen smoke exhaust system.

螺旋风管在使用过程中有四点需要留心的当地,假定按照这地址需要进行设备将会防止许多不必要的疑问。首要,风管系统对噪声的需要比较高。根据需要,居处卧室、起居室(厅)内的容许噪声昼间应小于或等于50分贝,而夜间应小于或等于40分贝。所以,在家用空调设备风管系统的时分要考虑这个要素,假定跨过标准,则需要别的加装有消声设备或本身具有较好的吸声功用的风管。 再次,风管强度的需要是适度的降低。

There are four points to pay attention to when using spiral air ducts. Assuming that equipment is required according to this address will prevent many unnecessary doubts. Firstly, the demand for noise in the air duct system is relatively high. According to the needs, the allowable noise level in the bedroom and living room (hall) should be less than or equal to 50 decibels during the day, and less than or equal to 40 decibels at night. So, when designing the air duct system for household air conditioning equipment, this factor should be considered. Assuming that it exceeds the standard, it is necessary to install other air ducts with sound attenuation equipment or good sound absorption function. Once again, the need for duct strength is a moderate reduction.


Key points for safe use of spiral air ducts

其次,螺旋风管强度的需要是适度的降低许多大型的场合由于空间比较大,所以在设备空调系统的时分,需要适度的降低强度。但是家用空调则由于风管系统的通风量比较小 ,通风管道需要的口径也比较小,所以在进行风管系统选材的时分,可以恰当的降低风管材料的强度需要。

Secondly, the strength of spiral air ducts needs to be moderately reduced in many large occasions due to the large space. Therefore, when installing central air conditioning systems, it is necessary to moderately reduce the strength. However, for household air conditioners, due to the relatively small ventilation capacity of the duct system and the small diameter required for the ventilation ducts, the strength of the duct material can be appropriately reduced when selecting materials for the duct system.

再次,空调风管施工有层高的需要。由于空调大多数应用于写字楼,商城这些大型场合,所以对层高的需要不是太过于显着。但是关于家用空调情况不尽相同了。许多 的层高低于3 m,通常在2.8 m支配,所以对空调层高的需要是尽可能占用层高空间。

Once again, there is a need for floor height in the construction of air conditioning ducts. Due to the fact that central air conditioning is mostly used in large occasions such as office buildings and shopping malls, the need for floor height is not too significant. But the situation regarding household air conditioners is different. Many floors are lower than 3 meters in height, usually dominated by 2.8 meters, so the need for air conditioning floor height is to occupy as much floor space as possible.

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